When we first built our original washing station in 2018, we never realised how quickly we would run out of space.

In 2022, we made the decision to move to a much bigger location, 400 meters from our old site (which we demolished), so we can work with the same community and the same farmers (and many more). As you can see, our area is stunning but still incredibly hard to reach. It was initially only accessible by footpath so we had to build a 500m road!

Watch how we did it!

Ever wondered how specialty coffee is produced? Watch this video to see how our delicious coffee is made! Let us know any questions you have in the comments below!

Photo and Video Credit to Panos Karakitsos www.panoskarakitsos.com i: panos_photography

This video about The Coffee Gardens was produced by the wonderful and talented Annie Langford, during her time with us during the summer of 2018. The video was filmed in our first year, even before we built our processing station!

This “DIY” video will give you a glimpse into the work that took place during the harvest season to get our coffee ready for you to drink!

Dana and Shak's presentation in Berlin on wide range of topics: from the history of the coffee industry in Uganda, to the improvement of the coffee cherrries quality, building trust with farmers or processes behind our signature washed and experiments.

In the second part of the presentation Shak and Dana talk among others about the export price breakdown, tools to ensure traceability and transparency, and about our off-season activities: financial services, trainings, support of the village savings and loans associations,…

